Ok then Ladies and Gentlemen I am back...
Been away from running and any type of healthy living for the past 6 months but finally I am installed again so its time to get serious...
The life on the cruiseship was difficult in terms of maintaining work out and running therefore I have NO more time to waste. Our Des Sables Marathon has been pushed 1 year as my two best friends are geting married and I really cant miss that... So a new countdown has begun for Ultraoxigeno:)
I have signed up to the gym where I go between 3-4 days per week as I want to gain 10kilos of muscles until the race next year.
I have also started to get some kilometers under my belt and will try to raise the dose as I get back into shape. I will also start to look at some nice marathons and half marathons to run throughout the spring.
I am very happy to be back anyways and I ll make sure to keep you all updated as I go along.
Have a great day
6 days ago